Rethinking JavaScript’s Ternary Operator — ternary ? "yes" : "no" … A lot of developers regard the ternary operator “with suspicion”, says James. Does its brevity help or hinder readability? Is it something you can “trust”? James also looks at a future possible alternative coming to the language.
James Sinclair
Comparing Svelte and React — After spending an extended period of time working with both, the author identifies his preference based on first hand observations supported with real-world examples.
Jack Franklin
Learn Dynamic Image Resizing Without Using an Image Processing Server — Forget manual resizing, Learn a new way to manipulate images with; Resize & adapt images to fit the page layout by changing just the URL parameters. Learn Face crop, watermarking, text overlay, network-based optimization & more. sponsor
Ember.js in 2021 – A Beacon of Productivity? — Ember is almost ten years old and many of its users swear by its opinionated “batteries included” approach. Here the author makes the case for Ember in 2021 and explains why he considers the framework a beacon of productivity in the middle of a “roaring sea of complexity.”
Marco Otte-Witte
V8 Release v9.0 — The next major version of the V8 JavaScript engine (as used in Chrome, Node, and elsewhere) adds a feature to regex matching (the /d flag for returning indices of matches), faster super property access, and a significant WebAssembly optimization for JS-to-WASM calls.
Ingvar Stepanyan
Quick Bits
Tailwind CSS user? It’s getting a new just-in-time compiler to make the development process smoother.
Did you know NASA are using JavaScript as part of their latest mission control system? The code is here.
▶ Using Deno and the Slack API to Pick Contest Winners — Three books were being given away to random members of a Slack community and rather than pick the names out of a hat, why not write a Deno script to do the job?
A Tip to Familiarize Yourself with New JS Codebases — Getting thrown into a new codebase is difficult. But with tools for architecture analysis you can make your journey at your next job’s JavaScript or TypeScript codebase a breeze.
How to Generate an RSS Feed for Your Blog — The long forgotten RSS feed seems to making a comeback (thank you!), and this post offers a unique solution to generate this at runtime rather than build time using a Netlify Function.
Clio: A Functional Language That Compiles to JS — It’s early days for this language (whose compiler is, itself, implemented in JavaScript) but is the sort of thing you might like to play with.
Eghbali, Franke, Luiz, et al.
The Definitive Guide to Feature Management — A feature management platform like LaunchDarkly fills the gaps of conventional feature toggles. Learn the ins & outs of feature management today.
Find Your Next Job Through Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job-seekers.
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