This article is for Matchmaking service owners and Dating Site Operators and what areas of Search Marketing that they should concentrate most on. With so many options on where to spend your marketing dollars online it is important to put those dollars into the areas that have the most likelihood of success and drawing in the type of clientele you want.
Priority List:
- Paid Search – 9/10
- Organic SEO – 8/10
- Website Quality – 8/10
- Social Media –8/10
- Local Listings/Google Maps – 7/10
Paid Search
Whether you are looking to attract men or women, seniors or the young, wealthy or middle class people to your Matchmaking service the one area that you will be able to find them all in is paid search. If you are running a Matchmaking company you may run into an issue where you have more men than women or vice versa. With Paid search you can run ads geared just towards one gender and increase the dating pool for your other clients. This can be done immediately which gives paid search a large advantage and makes it an important Marketing tool for your company. Paid search also allows you to geo target specific potential clients based on their location. This will help you find matches that live near each other and thus they would be more likely to want to set up dates. Paid search also as mentioned is instant so you can setup an ad campaign and have it running that same day for whatever cost you want to place on each click.
Organic SEO
When it comes to long term traffic you will want to concentrate some of your efforts on Organic SEO. This is the traffic that appears typically after Paid Search and is based on what the user has searched the appropriate pages on your site or competitor sites that come up based on that search. Natural results are something that can have a long term successful impact on your business because unlike paid search the traffic it generates is ‘free’. Concentrating on areas like getting good links from other websites and making sure that the content of your site is fresh and relevant can help you attract this kind of traffic to your site long term.
Website Quality
When potential clients are determining how legitimate they feel your Matchmaking Service is the quality of your website will help sway them one way or another. With some matchmaking services being shoddy and scammy it is important to have a good website so that potential clients know that your company is one of the good ones. Having a page with past or current client reviews and testimonials is important as well. You’ll want to have good content and quality pictures of potential matches for your clients too. The quality of the images on the site will have an impact as well as people are looking to know a lot about their potential dates but also what they look like. Make sure that the website is a top priority and you will not throw away the efforts of your other marketing endeavors.
Social Media
If you are running a niche matchmaking service it is possible Social Media will be a good place to market yourself. Niche sites do well because there are always smaller social media communities that you can advertise to. So if you are running a Matchmaking service for a niche group you can get your message out to this group pretty easily though social media and that will increase your clientele. Social Media is also good for building trust with your current clients as well. Having social media channels setup will show your current clients as well as potential ones that are you a good business and pay attention to the feedback and needs of clients.
Local Listings/Maps
Local rankings and map listings can be helpful if you run a Matchmaking service that isn’t national but is just for singles in a particular city or area. You would also need a physical location or office in order to be listed in map sections and local directories. If you do have such a physical location then you’d want to make sure you get listed on local sites with the right information about your company like your address, phone number and service type.
Matchmaking services and Dating services have unique needs when it comes to Online Marketing. It is key to your ongoing success to target those areas that will gain you the most customers. For a Matchmaking company targeting new clients on Paid Search, making sure that your web site is high quality and having good quality pictures and content are the most important areas to concentrate on. If you do this then you will likely succeed greatly with your Internet Marketing goals.
The post Search Marketing Priorities for Matchmaking Services and Dating Sites first appeared on Seo Bounty.
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