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Pluralsight is giving away 25 courses on JavaScript for free to celebrate JavaScript’s 25th birthday. It’s no cheapie, either. The courses range from getting your hands dirty with JavaScript for the first time, to full-on reactive development. Pluralsight’s been around a long time and they know how to design a great course.
Five free courses are being released each week throughout this month, December. The $0 price tag is probably enough of an incentive to check things out. But in a year that’s made learning tough for lots of reasons, this might just be the sort of thing that gets you back on track, helps you level up, or even allows you to revisit things you’ve learned before.
Like, for me personally, I’m planning to brush up on objects, prototypes, and classes. Zell Liew wrote up a thorough article walking through them a little while back, and it reminded me just how rusty I am. And guess what? That’s one of the free courses. Score.
You can see the full course schedule to see everything that’s included. You do need to sign up, but it’s not like you enter a credit card or anything. You get a temporary user name, create a password, then start learning!
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